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부교재 아카이브/2025 수능특강 영어

[2025 수능특강 영어] 6강 2번 문제 및 분석(변형)


2025 수능특강 영어 6강 2번 문제 및 분석입니다! 



6강 2번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

For many years, it was indeed widely believed that the adult brain was essentially 'set', with all the neurons and major connections we'd need. Sure, we learn new things and update our understanding of things all the time, meaning new connections are regularly being formed and turned over in networks governing learning and memory. But in terms of overall physical structure and major connections, the stuff that makes us what we are', the adult brain was long thought to be 'done. However, in recent years there's been a steady stream of evidence revealing that the adult brain can change and adapt, even create new neurons, and experiences can still reshape the brain, even as we head into our twilight years. Consider the taxi driver study, where constant driving and navigation of chaotic London streets leads to increased hippocampus size, revealing the adult brain structure is somewhat malleable.    *hippocampus: 해마 **malleable: 적응성 있는

① effects of negative life experience on brain activity
② the solid connectivity of neural pathways in the brain
③ differences between the brain of an adult and that of a child
④ the parts of the brain used for analytic and creative thinking
⑤ the flexibility of the adult brain in adapting to new experiences







성인 뇌의 적응성



For many years, it was indeed widely believed that the adult brain was essentially 'set', with all the neurons and major connections we'd need.

오랫동안 성인의 뇌는 우리가 필요로 할 모든 뉴런과 주요 연결부를 가진 본질적으로 '고정된' 것으로 실제로 널리 믿어졌다.


Sure, we learn new things and update our understanding of things all the time, (mean) meaning new connections are regularly being formed and turned over in networks (govern) governing learning and memory.

물론 우리는 항상 새로운 것을 배우고 사물에 대한 이해를 업데이트하는데 이는 학습과 기억을 관장하는 네트워크에서 새로운 연결이 정기적으로 형성되고 교체되고 있다는 것을 뜻한다.


But in terms of overall physical structure and major connections, the stuff that makes us 'what we are', the adult brain was long thought to be 'done'.=set 

하지만 전체적인 물리적 구조와 주요 연결부, 즉 우리를 '지금의 우리'로 만드는 것의 측면에서 보면, 성인의 뇌는 '완성된' 것으로 오랫동안 여겨져 왔다.


연결사( However ) , in recent years there's been a steady stream of evidence (reveal) revealing that [주제문] the adult brain can change and adapt, even create new neurons, and experiences can still reshape the brain, even as we head into our twilight years.

하지만 최근 몇 년 동안 성인의 뇌는 변화하고 적응할 수 있고, 심지어 새로운 뉴런을 생성할 수도 있으며, 경험이 뇌를 여전히 재구성할 수 있는데, 우리가 황혼기에 접어들 때 조차도 그러하다는 것을 보여 주는 증거가 꾸준히 이어져 왔다.


Consider the taxi driver study, (which/where) constant driving and navigation of chaotic London streets leads to increased hippocampus size, (reveal) revealing the adult brain structure is somewhat malleable=adaptable.

혼잡한 런던 거리를 계속 운전하고 주행하는 것이 해마 크기의 증가를 가져오고 이는 성인의 뇌 구조가 어느 정도 적응성이 있다는 사실을 밝히고 있는 택시 운전사를 대상으로 한 연구를 생각해 보라.


For many years it was indeed widely believed that the adult brain was essentially 'set'
