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부교재 아카이브/2025 수능특강 영어

[2025 수능특강 영어] 7강 1번 문제 및 분석(변형)


2025 수능특강 영어 7강 1번 문제 및 분석입니다.


7강 1번. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

According to research from the University of Arizona's Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, the average household ends up wasting an average of 14 percent of its grocery spending by throwing away unused or spoiled food. Even worse, 15 percent of that waste includes products that were never opened and were still within their expiration date! This statistic really makes me cringe - why not just set dollar bills on fire while we're at it?) The study also found that a family of four ends up throwing away an average of $590 of perishable groceries per year, such as meat, produce, dairy, and grain products. You can save an average of $50 per month by avoiding overbuying perishable foods. Check your supplies before shopping and estimate the exact amount you'll need to buy for the next week. This is also a good time to throw away outdated leftovers, make sure perishable items are in view, and use up good leftovers for that day's meals.

* cringe: (겁이 나서) 움찔하다 ** perishable: 상하기 쉬운


① Patience Is a Strategic Shopping Virtue

② Don’t Let the Low Food Prices Fool You

③ Creating a Health and Nutrition Shopping List

④ Stick to Your Grocery List and Shop as Quickly as Possible

⑤ Cut Food Waste Through Mindful Shopping and Meal Planning







낭비되는 식품을 줄이는 방안



According to research from the University of Arizona's Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, the average household ends up (waste) wasting an average of 14 percent of its grocery spending by throwing away unused or spoiled food.

애리조나 대학교 인류학 응용 연구국의 연구에 따르면, 일반 가정에서는 사용하지 않거나 상한 음식을 버려 식료품 지출의 평균 14퍼센트를 결국 낭비하게 된다.


Even worse, 15 percent of that waste includes products that were never opened and were still within their expiration date!

훨씬 더 심각한 것은 이러한 낭비 중 15퍼센트는 개봉하지 않았고 아직 유통 기한 내에 있었던 제품을 포함한다는 것이다!


This statistic really makes me cringe - why not just set dollar bills on fire while we're at it=기왕 말 나온 김에?)

(이 통계는 나를 정말 움찔하게 하는데, 기왕 말 나온 김에 그냥 달러 지폐를 불태우면 어떨까?)


The study also found that a family of four ends up (throw away) throwing away an average of $590 of perishable groceries per year, such as meat, produce, dairy, and grain products.

이 연구는 또한 4인 가족이 육류, 농산물, 유제품, 곡물 제품 등 상하기 쉬운 식료품을 연간 평균 590달러어치 버린다는 것도 발견했다.


You can save an average of $50 per month by avoiding overbuying perishable foods.

여러분은 상하기 쉬운 식품을 과도하게 사지 않음으로써 매달 평균 50달러를 절약할 수 있다.


Check your supplies before shopping and estimate the exact amount you'll need to buy for the next week.

쇼핑하기 전에 생필품을 점검하고 다음 주를 위해 사야 할 정확한 양을 추정하라.


This is also a good time to throw away (outdate) outdated leftovers, (to) make sure perishable items are in view, and use up good leftovers for that day's meals.

이때는 또한 오래된 남은 음식은 버리고, 상하기 쉬운 품목은 틀림없이 눈에 잘 띄는 곳에 보관하며, 상태가 좋은 남은 음식은 그날의 식사로 다 먹어 치울 수 있는 좋은 시간이다.
