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[내신 영어] EBS 수능특강 라이트[light] 18강 Gateway 지문 분석 및 변형


[내신 영어] EBS 수능특강 라이트[light] 18강 Gateway 지문 분석 및 변형입니다. 


18강 G번. 밑줄 친 creating a buffer가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?


On one occasion I was trying to explain the concept of buffers to my children.


We were in the car together at the time and I tried to explain the idea using a game.


Imagine, I said, that we had to get to our destination three miles away without stopping.


We couldn’t predict what was going to happen in front of us and around us.


We didn’t know how long the light would stay on green or if the car in front would suddenly put on its brakes.


The only way to keep from crashing was to put extra space between our car and the car in front of us.


This space acts as a buffer. It gives us time to respond and adapt to any sudden moves by other cars.


Similarly, we can reduce the friction of doing the essential in our work and lives simply by creating a buffer. * friction: 마찰


① knowing that learning is more important than winning

② always being prepared for unexpected events

③ never stopping what we have already started

④ having a definite destination when we drive

⑤ keeping peaceful relationships with others




완충 지대 



나는 한때 아이들에게 완충 지대의 개념을 설명하려고 했다.

우리는 그때 차에 함께 있었고 나는 게임을 이용하여 그 아이디어를 설명하려고 했다.

나는 멈추지 않고 3마일 떨어진 목적지까지 우리가 도착해야 했다고 상상해 보자고 말했다.

우리는 우리 앞과 주위에서 무슨 일이 일어날지 예측할 수 없었을 것이다.

우리는 신호등이 얼마나 오랫동안 녹색으로 켜져 있을지, 아니면 앞차의 운전자가 갑자기 브레이크를 밟을 것인지 몰랐다. 추돌을 막는 유일한 방법은 우리 차와 우리 앞에 있는 차 사이에 여 분의 공간을 두는 것이었을 것이다.

이 공간은 완충 지대로 작용한다. 그것은 우리에게 다른 차들의 갑작스러운 움직임에 반응하고 적응할 시간을 준다.

마찬가지로, 우리는 그저 완충 지대를 만듦으로써 우리의 일과 삶에서 필수적인 일을 할 때의 마찰을 줄일 수 있다.


[정답] ②




On one occasion I was trying to explain the concept of buffers to my children.


We were in the car together at the time and I tried to explain the idea (use)using a game.


Imagine, I said, that we had to get to our destination three miles away without stopping.


We couldn’t predict [that/what] was going to happen in front of us and around us.


We didn’t know how long the light would stay on green or if the car in front [will/would] suddenly put on its brakes.


The only way to keep from (crash)crashing was to put extra space between our car and the car in front of us.


This space acts as a buffer. It gives us time (respond)to respond and adapt to any sudden moves by other cars.


[But/Similarly], we can reduce the friction of doing the essential in our work and lives simply by (create)creating a buffer. * friction: 마찰




concept 개념 

buffer 완충 지대, 완충물 

destination 목적지 

predict 예측하다 

in front of ~ 앞에 

put on one’s brakes 브레이크를 밟다 

crash 추돌[충돌]하다 

act as 〜으로 작용하다 

respond 반응하다 

adapt 적응하다 

similarly 마찬가지로

 reduce 줄이다


