안녕하세요~ 요즘 날씨가 추워지면서 감기에 많이 걸리게 되죠?
오늘은 "가까이 오지 마"라는 표현 알아보도록 하겠습니다
Cindy: Do I look peaked? I’m feeling a bit run down. 나 수척해보이니? 나 체력이 다 된 것 같아.
Bob: Now that you mention it, you’ve looked better. 그렇게 말하니까 말인데, 며칠 전이 지금보단 괜찮아 보였어.
Cindy: My nephew had the sniffles and passed it on to me. 내 조카가 코를 훌쩍거리더니, 나한테 감기를 옮겼어.
Bob: Keep your distance. That's the last thing I need. 가까이 오지마. 감기는 절대 걸리기 싫으니까.
[추가 표현들]
Do I look peaked? (나 수척해 보이니?)
= Do I seem to be exhausted(기진 맥진한)?
= Does it seem to you like I’m worn out(기진 맥진한)?
I’m feeling a bit run down. (나 체력이 다 된 것 같아.)
= I’m low on energy.
= I’m not really feeling so well.
Now that you mention it. (그렇게 말하니까 하는 말인데.)
= Being that you said something about it.
= Hearing that come from you.
My nephew had the sniffles(코를 훌쩍거리다).
= My sister’s kid had a cold.
= A nephew of mine had a runny nose.
He/She passed it on to me. (나한테 그것을 옮겼어.)
= gave it to me.
= I picked it up from him.
*keep your distance! (거리를 유지해! 가까이 오지마!)
= stay away from me.
= don’t get close to me.
=don’t come near me.
*That’s the last thing I need. (나한테 그것은(감기는) 필요 없어.)
= I really can’t afford to get sick.
= I absolutely don’t need a cold.
도움이 되셨다면 구독 좋아요 눌러주세요 :)
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